Friday 30 September 2016

Circus Fun and Cathedral trip

Over the last week our class have been lucky enough to take part in a circus workshop and be shown some amazing skills by incredibly talented people. Sadly the same can't be said for my trapeze skills as during the children's assembly last Friday I tried to spin on a trapeze and failed miserable. I'd never make it in the circus.

This week we spent the day at Norwich Cathedral. The class learnt all about the building and the Holy Trinity. Take a look at the pictures below to see what they were doing. The next time you are in school you can see the stain glass windows that the children made whilst they were there.

The class was also praised for their excellent behaviour throughout the day by the employees at the cathedral. Well done everyone.

Friday 16 September 2016


This year we have added gardening to our carousel of D.T. groups. This week the children took all of the dead plants out of the pots and then planted new bulbs that will hopefully flower in March and April. 

They were also lucky enough to find a newt and they safely moved it to near the pond. 

Next week we will be doing more planting and then tidying up certain areas of the school. 

If anyone has any plant pots-about bucket size- that they might wish to donate to the school they would be greatly received. 

Mr Hall

Monday 12 September 2016

A super start.

The summer's is sadly over. Thankfully, all of the children have come back to school full of energy and passion for learning. They have been writing the origins of their own superheroes and have really impressed me with their wonderful imagination.

We have also begun to learn how to use the column method for addition and how to solve word problems.

A great start to the term.